A Memorable Afternoon With Tom Cardone, Greg Couch and Sang Jun Lee.

Who would’ve thought round 2 with Blue Sky Studios would have been just as sweet as the first time? Well, with Tom Cardone, Greg Couch and Sang Jun Lee at the helm, everything was beyond sweet… we’re talkin’ high fructose, baby.

Saturday, April 21, 2012, was tremendous and I was privileged to witness an afternoon of behind-the-scene discussions with Tom, Greg and Sang–3 of the top concept artists in the business. I learned an unbelievable amount of information (all valuable by the way) and I was able to actually pick their brains about how the production pipeline operates at Blue Sky. I was completely giddy that they use ZBrush extensively in their pipeline and also use Maya right out of the box to do their animation and rigging. Lighting, fur and rendering are all proprietary software at Blue Sky.

To simply say “I had a great time at the Society of Illustrators this past Saturday,” would be an understatement and a disservice to the entire lecture. So I’ll just end this blog entry by saying “I was inspired beyond words and have been glued to my workstation for 3 days non-stop now because of Tom, Greg, and Sang!”

If there is a round 3, I just might explode.